80-Inch TV Wall Mount

Getting the Right 80-Inch TV Wall Mount

So you purchased an impressively large 80-inch flat screen television to create a true cinematic experience in your home theater – congratulations! Now the key question is: how and where will you mount this giant, state-of-the-art screen to fully enjoy those big-viewing benefits?

This comprehensive guide covers all key considerations in selecting the ideal 80-inch television wall mount for your needs and successfully completing the installation. Follow these tips and you’ll soon be hosting incredible Super Bowl parties and blockbuster movie nights with optimal viewing positions for everyone in the room.

What Room Size is Needed for an 80-Inch TV?

Your eighty inch television purchase makes quite a visual impact! But first determine if your space can practically and safely support a TV this size.

General recommendations call for allowing 1.2 to 1.5 times the diagonal screen measurement between the viewing position and your brand new flat panel display.

  • So for an 80-inch screen, ideal placement would be 8 to 12 feet away.
  • If your room falls shorter than this range, the picture may seem too large and overwhelming.
  • Sitting further than 12 feet reduces your ability to fully appreciate all those extra square inches!

Additionally consider your room’s horizontal dimensions. Your new TV needs adequate clearance space on the mounting wall surface plus comfortable viewing angles from adjacent seating areas.

  • For best results, ensure your room measures at least 10 feet across so no viewers feel off-axis strain. Wider is even better!
  • If space limitations exist, reconsider downsizing to a 65-inch or 70-inch screen. Protect the thrill by preventing visual frustration.

Correct sizing creates that perfect movie magic!

Why a Proper Wall Mount Matters

Mounting an eighty inch television requires heavy-duty reinforced brackets which safely manage the screen’s substantial 37+ pound weight and slim form factor.

Do NOT attempt using standard consumer mounts intended for lighter TVs. This poses serious risks including:

  • Structural damage bending the frame
  • Wall mount components cracking under pressure
  • Accidental destruction from falls

The investment made in your state-of-the-art 80-inch television deserves a wall mount designed specifically to protect its integrity. Keep your stunning viewing experience intact!

Types of 80-Inch TV Wall Mounts

Several specialized super-sized television mounting options exist to handle the mighty eighty inch beast! Determine which works best for your home theater plans:

Fixed Position – Simple, affordable, securely anchors your giant TV flat against the wall. Minimal adjustments available.

  • Ideal for central alignment above mantles or on expansion-free surfaces.

       Tilting – Allows gentle angling forwards and backwards for glare reduction.

  • Perfect for taller viewers in room’s center or background light issues.

       Articulating Arms – Extend TV from wall with complete flexible motion range.

  • Allows push/pull/swivel adjustments for offset seating areas and repositioning.

       Low Profile – Thin mount hugging just inches off the wall.

  • For a floating big screen aesthetic and space savings.

After measuring your existing infrastructure, philosophize your eighty inch TV dreams! Analysis brings proper mount perspective.

Mounting Height and Location Factors

Wall placement plays a pivotal role in leveraging your shiny huge television for optimum home theater environment enhancement.

Central seating eye level guides the ideal mounting height rule of thumb. Estimate the average viewer’s sightline when reclined, then place the screen’s center point about three to five inches above this metric.

Too high squanders scope immersion. Too low guarantees stiff necks and obscured lower edges. Proper elevation pulls everything into harmonious focus!

Now ponder the optimal horizontal location adjacent to your relaxing spaces. Avoid off-angle distortions degrading the 3D cinematic event your 80-incher worked hard producing! Center align with the prime viewing areas whenever possible.

Don’t let your audacious screen purchase go to waste! Spend time planning the details for total enjoyment gains.

DIY Installation Tips

Ready to stick this daring display directly on your living room drywall for a built-in multiplex look? Exercise care securing tight connections!

Here are step-by-step 80-inch TV mounting guidelines including required gear and precautions:

Equipment Needed

  1. Power drill with Phillips bit attachment
  2. Stud finder
  3. Leveling tool (bubble or laser style)
  4. Appropriate mounting hardware kit
  5. Padding to protect TV screen surface
  6. 2 Strong helpers recommended!

Step 1 – Find Studs

Locate precisely where wood framework exists behind your mounting area. Only drill into studs – not just drywall! This safely holds the heavy-duty bracket and television.

Step 2 – Attach Bracket

With assistants holding the wall mount, drill provided lag bolts securing the bracket firmly in place at your desired height. Triple check alignments!

Step 3 – Mount TV

Carefully lift the screen with help, angling onto the now waiting wall bracket. Slide bolts into the television’s backside holes, retracting locking tabs to finish.

You just achieved a custom 80-inch flat screen built-into your home’s anatomy! Call your buddies over for the game and screenings.

Keep Your Large TV Investment Safe!

You spent top dollar to put a virtual IMAX theater inside your abode! Maintain that showplace caliber display with diligent care extending its life.

  1. Annually check connecting bolts/tabs for any loosening over time. Tight re-securing prevents accidents!
  2. Clean screen only with approved commercial wipes and cloths. No chemical cleaners damaging protective layers!
  3. Leave display luminosity management to internal ambient light sensors. Their accuracy maximizes contrast.
  4. If concerns ever arise over mount integrity issues, immediately call a professional to assess. Don’t risk independently tampering!

Treat your mega television with thoughtful protection it deserves after such a serious investment. Stay mindful and attentive – your 80 magnificent viewing inches will provide years of immersive 4K thrills!

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