Wide 55 Inch TV

How Wide is a 55 Inch TV?

When upgrading your television, screen size is one of the most important factors to consider. One of the most common questions regarding dimensions is: how wide is a 55 inch TV? This article will provide detailed 55 inch TV measurements for width, height, stand size, and viewing distances. Read on to determine if a 55 inch TV is the right fit for your space.

TV Screen Size and Dimensions

A 55 inch television has a display that measures 55 inches diagonally. This places it in the sweet spot between smaller and larger units, making it one of the most popular television sizes purchased today.

But when taking measurements of where to place your new 55″ TV, you need specific widths and heights – not just the diagonal screen size.

Here are the complete dimensions for a typical 55 inch television:

  1. TV Screen Width: 48.4 inches
  2. TV Screen Height: 28.6 inches
  3. TV Width with Stand: 51 inches
  4. TV Height with Stand: 32 inches
  5. TV Stand Width: 51 inches
  6. TV Stand Depth: 10 inches
  7. TV Stand Height: 3-7 inches

As you can see, the width with the included stand is over 3 inches more than the screen width alone. This means…

Will a 55 Inch TV Fit in My Room?

Now that you know the exact width of a 55 inch flat screen TV – including stand size – you can better calculate if it will fit where you intend.

Here are three key factors to consider when figuring out what size TV your room can accommodate:

  • Room Size + Layout: Measure where you plan to place the TV stand. Make sure the 55 inch television width is not awkwardly large for the room. Also check that any doors or walkways still have comfortable clearance.
  • Viewing Distance: Optimal viewing distance for a 55″ TV is 5-15 feet. Make sure your seating allows for this, based on where the television will be centered.
  • Outlet Placement: Determine if accessible power outlets are available to plug in your TV, audio equipment, streaming devices, etc. Place outlets, ports, equipment in a way that cords can neatly connect in the back.

Additionally, when deciding between sizes:

  • A 65 inch TV may be too large for some rooms, at about 57 inches wide and over 33 inches tall.
  • A 55 inch TV provides an immersive viewing experience without dominating a smaller space.

Additional Resource: TV Size Comparison Chart

Screen Size Width (inches) Height (inches)
40 35 24
55 48 28
60 52 30
65 57 33
70 61 35


Also Read Other TV Size and Dimensions:
Deciding on the Best 55 Inch Television

While a 55 inch LED TV may be an ideal size based on dimensions, selecting a specific television comes down to additional preferences as well like:

  • Price range
  • Display type (OLED, QLED, LED, etc)
  • Refresh rate
  • Viewing angles
  • Connectivity options
  • Smart capabilities

Hopefully knowing accurate width and height specs of 55 inch televisions – along with stands – allows you to choose a model that precisely fits your room size, viewing needs, and budget!

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